
Tuesday, April 21, 2015 1 Comments A+ a-

I am torn between doing right and being wrong and Yes I know there is a war going on in my mind but I want real answers to my struggles, I am tired of acting like I have it all together. Every day I hear the same thing, Be positive, Don’t quit, Stay in the fight, Good things will always happen, and this is “There is a reason for everything, Yet nobody seem to know the reason” and when I show my fear, I am called weak and the people who tell me to be strong make me believe that being afraid is a sign of weakness and I stay conflicted in my mind and to make everyone believe that I have it all together I wear a smile when what I want to do is scream.

Hey You, Tell me about you struggles, Show me your "pain", take off the Band-Aid, show me your scars, take off your mask and stop being strong... speak beyond the words, I want to hear your silence. Your scars are a reflection of where you have been, marks of the wars fought in the recluse of your mind, a sign of your strength and a story of your survival. Your fears are genuine, we are all afraid of something, do not let them mock you or make you feel small because you show fear, sometimes the only thing that keeps you going is your fear.  The survival instinct is ignited by fear and sustained by fear. You are not alone in this battle; we are all conflicted in our minds.

Every day we fight for survival but the real reason we fight is because we are afraid of something; Your fears might be defined, You might call it a Career, Education, Relationship, Failure or Disappointment or whatever you feel comfortable calling it but the fact remains, we are all afraid and that is the battle of the conflicted mind, until we face our fears and find a greater purpose we would cringe at the mere thought of these fears becoming a reality. (THE CONFLICT)

The reason you cannot leave that job that is draining life out of you is not because you love it; It is because you are afraid, afraid of the unknown and afraid of uncertainty, The reason you stay in the toxic relationship is because you are scared of being alone so instead of being alone,you settle for a bad ship. Loneliness is a mind thing, having people around you is not how to solve the puzzle. You stay in College or University and you study a course you have no flare for all in the name of duty and being afraid of disappointing your family, So you rather choose to live depressed than face your fears, You are conflicted.

The beauty of the conflicted mind is that the war will never end but the choice of who wins is constantlyup to YOU, You must not live your life with the desire to impress, Life is not a game of impressions, Life is about finding true expressions and that is how we make impact. You are the captain of the ship, the commander of your army, YOU must choose to fight for your mind, name your fears only then can you conquer it.

Finally, something I read a while back,: A grandfather told his grandson: Inside You there are two wolves fighting, One is calm, strong, determined and Generous and The other is hateful, Vengeful and destructive but only one will survive at every given time, and the little boy asked his grand dad, Which of the wolves will win and the old man looked at the son in his wisdom and said “The one You feed”


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21 Apr 2015, 13:39:00 delete

Nice thought Zino.
Love this part: "A grandfather told his grandson: Inside You there are two wolves fighting, One is calm, strong, determined and Generous and The other is hateful, Vengeful and destructive but only one will survive at every given time, and the little boy asked his grand dad, Which of the wolves will win and the old man looked at the son in his wisdom and said “The one You feed”
