dear me
Dear Me,
I am writing this today as a reminder of where we are and
what we are passing through. I woke up and realized that everything was blur
and I was sinking but in this state I am reminded that Pain demands to be felt.
“Whatever my lot, grace has taught me to say, it is well in
the deepest confines of my soul” see that will always be our confession despite
the odds. *smiles* It has been a tough year this, but when you look back at it,
you will realize that it will make for a good story, the scars, the turns and
the lows.
Someone said to me, “ You are like the strongest person I
know..” and in my heart I smiled and I went into a monologue as to how my
strength was basically a function of trust, I am not sure I have the ability to
worry too much especially when I am aware that worry would not change anything.
Strength for me is learning to rely on the orchestrator of my days and not how
smart I think I am. I am evolving, when you read this, You will realize that we
were only getting better for the life and living.
Another person asked, “How do you stay believing?” and I
answered, I don’t know really but all I can say is I have a deep seated
conviction in the wisdom of our maker that even if I can’t trace his hands, I
can trust his plan. Sometimes stuff doesn’t make sense but that doesn’t mean He
is unaware, always remember, Roman 8 vs 28… All things not some things, not a
few things, not major events not minor details, ALL THINGS work for the good of
them .
Life must be lived on the corridor of faith, even the
unbelieving have faith, even the atheist have faith, faith that whatever
supplies breath would be there when they wake up every day. But my faith is
hinged on the unshakable promise that He who holds my days wastes nothing, not
even my dark days. There is purpose to my pain.
I wrote this because, I know dark days will come again but I
need you to remember where you have been. All we have carried consistently is
hope, Hope that no matter what happens there is victory for us, always.
As always, be a shoulder for someone to lean on, light the
way so others would not stumble in darkness, love selflessly that is the only
way to be a beacon in an already vengeful world, forgive quickly, every offence
is forgivable never give a justifiable reason for grudge. Continue to live with
intent, whatever you heart desires, go for it. Don’t forget that you are living
right here and right now.
I have found safety in the knowledge that we will be fine,
Remember to always say “THANK YOU, the world owes you
nothing so be grateful when a door opens for you, be eternally grateful when
someone shows you kindness no matter how small and when you can return the
favor, help someone else.
Thrive!! We always win.
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