Hey Dreamer,
So today I decided to talk to you about something I feel is
very essential if you would do more than survive in this terrain. If you didn’t
get the previous letters, just check my previous thoughts at you
will find it helpful.
So, I know how hard it is to trust people around these
parts, you basically need to watch your back so many times because You are not
even certain who is against you or who is for you, I am not about talking to
you about trust but something I consider very vital if you will thrive. Please,
read carefully.
Let us briefly talk about doing good and being good and how
it works. I have come to know that goodness is a seed and when planted it
produces a tree of goodwill and its fruits are a lasting legacy.
Have you ever
wondered why some people seem to “have it easy”, it is not always about
connection, it sometimes the basic fact that that have planted a seed of goodness
and without knowing they are eating its fruits.
The true depth of a man’s character is known when he has
nothing and his true character is revealed when he has all things. You want to
know a good person, see how he treats those he is in a position to help and
those he will not benefit from. Good people are not good because they have
everything; they are good because it is their nature. Abundance amplifies the
character of a man and lack reveals the desperation of man.

People will want to and people will take advantage of you,
some who misunderstand your intentions and some would out rightly stand in your
way but do good nonetheless. Stop trying to please everybody, you can’t and
stop campaigning for general acceptance, you cannot carry the weight of the
world. Never allow the acceptance or non-acceptance of people determine your
stance, Just learn to trust your instinct.
Anticipating reward for your kindness is not being good,
that is doing business. Being good for goodness sake implies that even if
nobody would notice, I will do what I can to help when I can. Sometimes it hard
to be good, especially when you have too many sad experiences but if we allow
what other people did to us to stop us from reaching out to others then we are
no different from the people who hurt us.
Finally, friend, the very best is churned out when we begin
to see the good in others, when we look beyond flaws and frailties, when we
begin to trust the fact that not everybody is out to hurt us. Do not allow the “bad
in others stop you from being good to others”.
The sign of a good heart is gratitude, Good people are grateful
people and a grateful person sets himself up for abundance and that is the key
to thriving, my dear friend.
Believe in yourself, be good to those around you, expect
nothing back and life will find a way to be good to you.
Write commentsWell said...God bless you for this encouragement.