Everyone Is King
Everyone is King when they find their place – URUEMURIE Ewoma Frank
The issue is not about fitting in; the real deal is knowing what you are capable of doing. Truth is you can fit into a crowd and still find relevance. Everywhere you go, you hear peoples say “You are born to stand out” yet you are faced with the obvious reality that a lot of people are wired to do what you are designed to do. Truth again, No two human beings have the same DNA but a million share the same gifting/talent/skill, we are all different I know but who then crowns the King.
The nature of life is not entirely hinged on standing out, as much as I believe that we are all special, I also believe that sometimes we find relevance when we know how, when and where to fit in. Fitting in does not mean sticking to the status quo, it does not mean following the crowd, to fit in is finding your place in the puzzle and making the picture complete and that is what it means to know that you are special.
Everything and everyone has its place: A fish cannot be judged by its ability to climb a tree, a monkey cannot be judged by its ability to bark, a Dog cannot be judged by its ability to roar and a Lion cannot be judged by its ability to breathe under water, because everyone is King when they find their place.
Finding your place and knowing your placement is ultimately the key to survival and truth about this awareness is that the desire for approval from others seizes because instead of seeking approval from people, you come into the awareness that you have within you, the ability and potential strong and powerful enough to decide the course of your life and future. The force within you is more powerful than the forces around you and Yes! you possess in you the ability to control the force around you. Always focus on what You can control.
The Cheetah is the fastest animal on ground but it will not race a fish in the ocean, it will lose. The truth of life is same everywhere, everyone and everything has its place and to thrive, to soar, to rule and to dominate, you must find where you fit in. And fitting in includes knowing who you need and who needs you. The course of our life is determined by the placement of many people. You are not designed to thrive in a vacuum, whether you believe in a higher power or not, whether you believe in fate, destiny or deciding the course of your life by yourself, you know this one fact, you cannot succeed in a vacuum, you must find your place and finding your place includes learning to follow before you lead.
Our life is lived from a place of awareness. If all you do is try to prove someone wrong, you would spend your days running round in circles, Life requires doubters, haters, dis-tractors, friends, foes and You but the greatest determinant of what your life can and would become is YOU, but you need these group of people to spur you on and help you find your place. Be deliberate, Be intentional and rule your kingdom. Life is no competition, Life is not a quest for approval,it is not called our life, It is called YOUR LIFE, live with awareness.