
Wednesday, April 08, 2015 2 Comments A+ a-

Photo Credit: Happy Feet 2
The problem is not the changing conditions, it is your filter.  – URUEMURIE Ewoma Frank

I am just like you on a normal day, full of questions, concerns and worries, sometimes I am literally lost in my own space and truth is sometimes I get scared and in my moment of fear I start to wish that the conditions of my life was different, that Life was a bit more predictable and I could see into the future just maybe I can then literally predict and control people’s thoughts and actions. Alas, that’s me on a normal day

Truth be told, every once in a while we allow our secret fears cloud our mind and we begin to create a false reality of who we are and where we want to be but I have come to realize that the problem is not the changing conditions, it’s not the people around us and their actions, the problem is our filter. If there is a fundamental issue of self-awareness no matter where you find yourself, you will struggle to fit in and you will continue to wish for better conditions.

Every Power generating set has a filter in its fuel tank and the essence of the filter is to prevent external objects like sand and stones from entering into the carburetor but the problem with the filter is it cannot discern water from fuel so when water is mixed with fuel and put into the Generator it allows both to flow through into the carburetor and the generator stops working, So the problem with the generator is not the condition but its filter.

Our mind is like the power generating center of our lives and it is our responsibility to determine what we allow to flow through. The strength of our mind filter would invariably affect the conditions of our life and our perception of reality. The filter of our mind is to stop external forces flowing in and distorting our flow but before that would happen then we must be able to discern reality from circumstances. We should be able to separate fuel from water, and know where both fit in, the functionality of our mind is hinged on what we allow in, the knowledge we are exposed to and the company we keep. We cannot rise above what we know, so the filter is important in shaping our reality and that in turn would determine our circumstance.

Always ask yourself, what is real? How do you create what you call real?  How far can you go to determine your reality? Knowing the answers to these simple questions creates an heightened sense of awareness, of who you are, your environment and even what you allow to influence your thoughts and actions, see your carburetor can distinguish between water and fuel but your filter cannot because it not designed to know the difference and the reason you are stuck is because you are running on the wrong substance, You cannot run on water, you need fuel to power your engine, that is your reality. Optimism cannot turn water to fuel, that is your perceived reality, that is you wishing that the conditions were different. Controlling your filter is the key to changing your conditions. It is the key to creating a better life for you.


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9 Apr 2015, 10:45:00 delete This comment has been removed by the author.
9 Apr 2015, 10:46:00 delete

A couple of days ago something struck me about what our forefathers/grandparents used to say. In yoruba land, when you are being asked for money and don't have much it is almost a taboo according to our fathers to say "mi o lowo" meaning I don't have money. You are expected to say "owo po lowo mi" literally meaning money is plenty in my hands...

The moral of this is even our fathers understood the importance of words and how they shape our realities. It all begins in the mind no doubt and a conscious filter of the thoughts we let dominate our minds no matter the externals. It's a good thing to learn to do...

Btw happy birthday boss. The Lord has annointed you for good works, you will not falter in the delivery of iT. May your life ever be beautiful. Enjoy more grace dear. Cheers.
