What would happen if you would get out of your way? What
would happen if you dare to just stop feeling sorry for yourself? What would
happen if you stopped judging yourself? What would happen if you dared to live?
Here is the answer, A LOT WILL CHANGE!!!
There is a difference between self appraisal and self pity,
there is a very big margin between taking control of your life and making
comparison with the many characters you have made up in your head. Sometimes
you are the reason for your sadness, you are the reason why you cannot get
ahead and you are most likely the reason why everybody thinks of you the way
they do.
It’s great to have goals, to have time bound and achievable
goals, in fact the bedrock of success is goal setting but what happens when
life plays you? What happens when your expectations does not match your
See, the aim of your being, is to be better, not to run
yourself down; and being better is a process of becoming, it not a process of
“been”. We are called Human being for
the particular reason that we are constantly evolving, coming into new
dimensions of our abilities and knowledge of who we are, who we want to be and
who we can be.
I always advocate that you take time to evaluate your goals,
to be candid with yourself but I also emphasize that “don’t start a pity
party”, don’t dive into self created depression, you will wreck your own
happiness. If at any point your goals are derailed, see it as a learning curve;
take time to revisit your plans.
Remember, though the goal remains the same, our plans must
be flexible enough to change. Plans are the processes. It is not the
destination. If your GPS is faulty you don’t sell the car, you find alternate
way to locate your destination. You must seek new knowledge daily; suffice to
say “Knowledge is powerful”. A man who is fully aware of himself walks with a
spring in his step, never bent over simply because, knowledge is steroids.
And most importantly, work hard, work smart and work
effectively and efficiently. You can only judge yourself when you have taken
actions not by intentions. Success gravitates to the person who acts, not the
person who stays wishing.
Get out of your own way, Get out of your head, Get out of
your mind, stop being your own obstacle. It’s okay to fail sometimes, it is
okay to feel inadequate sometimes but those feelings should be fuel for you,
they should become your motivation, your low point should be the point where it
changes, where you must seek to take actions, deliberate actions to be a better
you, not perfect but better.
I will continue later.