
Friday, May 06, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Hey Hustler,

I hope you have found and are finding my lessons useful for life. I am about to share a few thoughts with you, I was inspired by a facebook post written by a friend and I will share with you relatively something that dropped in my head as I read the post.

We are learning to be Humans. Nobody comes into life holding a manual on how to be an exceptional human being. We learn as we live, sometimes our only advantage is that we have people who help us with and by their experiences.

The reason we are called “Human Beings” and not “Human Beens” is simple, we evolve as we live, we learn as we make mistakes, we grow as we seek opportunities, so please forgive people when they make mistakes, We are just Human be-ing.

Stop trying to impress people, the people you are trying to impress are on the same journey as you, some might be far ahead of you, some might be confused as to who, what and where they are but we are all on a journey of self discovery, so please live life at your own pace and be happy with who you are while striving and thriving to be better.

Be expressive, learning to speak up is essential to defining boundaries and putting yourself out there. Not everybody understands your silence, so it would be good if you help the people in your life by being more expressive. Not everybody has your sense of humour, people understand on different levels. Don’t be too quick to shut people out, sometimes give them the benefit of doubt but never allow people walk over you. Be expressive, define boundaries.

Have a little faith in humanity. Believe in people, Help people, Go out of your way to be of help to a random person. There are nice people everywhere, if you cannot find a nice person then be one. Never allow the ingratitude of others stop you from being good to people. The action of one does not equate to the actions of all. Faith in humanity is an asset not a luxury. Anyways, I will talk to you about this some other time.

Finally, you must learn to be happy and build connections that support your happiness. Don’t surround yourself with people who need you to always have a reason before you can be happy. Happiness is not something borrowed, it is self created. Happiness is not about activities, that is momentary excitement, Happiness most times is a function of the right relationship(s).

When you create memories with people, you give yourself a shot at being happy for a long time. Someone wise enough once said, “Happiness is like a kiss, you must share it to enjoy it”. Happiness is not being liked by the world; Happiness is being understood by those that matter to you


When happiness is mistaken for fame we are rehearsing for disaster. It gets lonely in the spotlight sometimes, but happiness is having someone to share your struggles with. My dear hustler, remember, we are learning to live, there is no perfect way to live life but if you have enough faith then you will always find a way.

Don’t just  live, Thrive!!!!