
Hey Hustler,
I know we have not spoken to each other in a while and that is because I understand the phase you are in right now, a lot is happening and sometimes you feel you are out of purpose or just maybe you are not even certain what your purpose is, but like i will always say, “stay in the fight, you will come out stronger”.
Here my one kobo, you will need it in this phase of uncertainty, remember all I told you about knowledge( Knowledge is at its best potential, applied knowledge is power.
Because you own a car doesn’t mean you can produce it, just cause you know all models of a car does not translate to the fact that you can fix the car if it develops a fault, at best what you have is knowledge and its not valuable but see the Motor Mechanic knows the car, He may not be able to manufacture it but he is knowledgeable enough to fix it, yet it not valuable until he begins to fix it. Applied knowledge is power.
People don’t pay you for what you know, they pay you for doing something with what you know.
Do not join the LXT (League Of Xtraordinary Talkers), they have too many ideas in their head not one failure to show that they attempted something. Be wise, my guy! Money is reward for value, it is earned not demanded.
I will leave you with a few nuggets on wisdom and please, try and apply them this time, you will definitely do better.
-Choose your battles carefully, Knowing when to walk away is wisdom.
-Be available; Let your actions endorse your words.
-Wisdom is being humble enough to know who to listen to. Your mentors speak from a perspective of experience. You don’t have to fall to know it hurts.
-Wisdom listens more than it speaks. Learn to close your mouth, open your ears and open your mind.
-Wisdom is not loud; it is firm. You don’t have to shout to validate your point. Remember, empty barrels make the loudest noise.
-Wisdom begins when you start to understand instructions.
-Wisdom is consistent. Consistency is what births integrity. Integrity is not a spiritual gift just like trust, it is earned.
-Wisdom knows that success is relative and that life is not a competition.
Make everyday count friend. Remember, applied knowledge!
You are made for more, do more than just survive, THRIVE...
Hey Hustler,
How are you doing? You probably would say fine but the reality is that you have doubts. The plan in your head does not align with the reality of your life and you want to keep going on but you don’t seem to see any reason to.
I know how hard it is trust me, I have been there. You have made countless sacrifices, you have worked for free, and you have trusted, you have served, you have listened and you still don’t see any result. I may want to sound like the religious folks in your circle, all they tell you is “it is well” or probably the well wishers who constantly say “Don’t worry”. Truth is, both set of people are right but I am more concerned about you, dear hustler.
Do you believe in the beauty of your dreams, are you honest in your dealings and are you really teachable, who are you listening to and who in heaven’s name is your mentor? A lot of questions that require honest answers.
Who told you, it would happen just like that? Why didn’t they tell you that effort does not equate results? Or did you miss that class? Effort plus consistency plus a lot of failing is the formula you need to see your dreams come to life. It is hard to believe when all your efforts amounts to almost nothing and its hard still when you don’t know how exactly to create consistent effort. I am not here to write ten principles of success; no instead, I want you to see the beauty of your dreams, to dare to keep believing despite the odds.
Dear Hustler, Knowledge is King. The depth of our life is knowledge. It is about the things we know first, then that knowledge translates to action and then we begin to see our life take shape. To ignore knowledge is to be obnoxious and that is when we become blinded to reason and leave our life to chance. The reason, knowledge is king can be summed up in one single sentence, “IF YOU KNOW BETTER THEN YOU WILL DO BETTER.” To seek after knowledge is the key to advancement yet we are drawn to a point of complacency most times. Truth is most times we are blinded by knowledge, because it has the tendency to make us proud and reckless. To believe that we have a mastery of things and we need not quest for more. Knowledge is king yet many do not seek for it.
Dear Hustler, your life worth is measured by your network not just by your net worth, you will have days when you are down to nothing and during those days, your biggest bounce back would be, who you know and what they bring to the table, build relationships.
Let us continue this conversation some other time.....
By the way, I put together a couple of memes, it would help you make sense of your hustle, Stay believing, keep pushing and Please, be good to everyone you meet, consistently sow seeds of kindness, you will eat fruits of greatness.
As part of my 2016 journey, I jut thought to share these thoughts.. find it helpful..
If it makes you better, invest more time in it. If it makes you bitter, stop trying to change it.
Your life’s purpose does not include “trying to make everyone understand you” always remember, it is mind over matter.
Success is accumulation of sustained effort, You don’t wake up successful. You are not Adam and Life is not Garden of Eden. The dream demands hustle.
Don’t drop out of school Just because Bill Gates did same, Education is what you have left after School is done. You don’t want to be blindsided, Stay hungry and stay learning.
It is a crime to sound smart, look smart and actually be dull. Don’t focus only on your packaging, build content.
Life is tough for a man without vision and it’s tougher for the man with vision, and the man who survives is the one who learn that Doing is always better than Dreaming.
You are one effort away from success but see the effort is multiple, so you can stop trying because you never know which of the effort, the one that would yield result is.
Friends know that they don’t have to talk every day to remain friends, *huh* this is just another reason not to keep in touch. Great friends know that a simple hi every day gives birth to a long gist about nothing and that is what great friendship is about. Stay in touch always!!
Happiness is a sum total of our relationships. It is good to find happiness in and with yourself but once you get involved in a relationship that changes, Your happiness becomes relative, if you don’t believe me, try and fall in love.
People think on various levels, sometimes the speed of acceptance is determined by the depth of thoughts. In simple English, People only understand from their level of perception.
Take risks. You never know what success feels like until you know what it feels like to fail.
It’s okay to be afraid, it’s okay to worry, you are human. The real problem is allowing your fears and worry control your actions.
We are not perfect, I think everyone knows that but if that’s your reason for every mistake then you are simply irresponsible.
Smile often, frown sometimes, Smile again, then frown some more, life is a blend of emotions. Just be you.