R3- my walking thoughts

Wednesday, January 20, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

As part of my 2016 journey,  I jut thought to share these thoughts..  find it helpful..

If it makes you better, invest more time in it. If it makes you bitter, stop trying to change it.

Your life’s purpose does not include “trying to make everyone understand you” always remember, it is mind over matter.

Success is accumulation of sustained effort, You don’t wake up successful. You are not Adam and Life is not Garden of Eden. The dream demands hustle.

Don’t drop out of school Just because Bill Gates did same, Education is what you have left after School is done. You don’t want to be blindsided, Stay hungry and stay learning.

It is a crime to sound smart, look smart and actually be dull. Don’t focus only on your packaging, build content.

Life is tough for a man without vision and it’s tougher for the man with vision, and the man who survives is the one who learn that Doing is always better than Dreaming.

You are one effort away from success but see the effort is multiple, so you can stop trying because you never know which of the effort, the one that would yield result is.

Friends know that they don’t have to talk every day to remain friends, *huh* this is just another reason not to keep in touch. Great friends know that a simple hi every day gives birth to a long gist about nothing and that is what great friendship is about. Stay in touch always!!

Happiness is a sum total of our relationships. It is good to find happiness in and with yourself but once you get involved in a relationship that changes, Your happiness becomes relative, if you don’t believe me, try and fall in love.

People think on various levels, sometimes the speed of acceptance is determined by the depth of thoughts. In simple English, People only understand from their level of perception.

Take risks. You never know what success feels like until you know what it feels like to fail.

It’s okay to be afraid, it’s okay to worry, you are human. The real problem is allowing your fears and worry control your actions.

We are not perfect, I think everyone knows that but if that’s your reason for every mistake then you are simply irresponsible.

Smile often, frown sometimes, Smile again, then frown some more, life is a blend of emotions. Just be you.


Monday, January 04, 2016 2 Comments A+ a-

So it’s another year and I am back here, honestly grateful for life and chance, Sometimes, life plays a fast one and most times we dare to push beyond our limit and decide to be better. This is a short one and I am deciding to do this now and help somebody make sense of 2016.

By the way, if you don’t have clear cut goals already then you are late, 2016 started two months ago. The frenzy of January 1st was just an official change of date and the celebrations would ultimately amount to nothing without a definite plan for the year.

2015 had its time and it was different for everyone but the success of 2016 depends on the practical steps you took or do I say the foundations you laid in 2015. You cannot just pretend like 2015 never happened just because you screamed “Happy New Year”. Life is a succession theory, every step matters.

Did you make mistakes in 2015, congrats; you have learned how to do better. Did you lose some folks or opportunities in 2015; well you have either learned a lesson or gleaned a reason. You must realize that 2016 would only be better than 2015 if you deliberately take steps to make it better. If you live the first three months of the year 2016, the same way you lived in 2015, you will end up the same way; it is as simple as that.

2016 would be largely about 3 R’s and I would share thoughts along these lines this Year as we make progress. 2016 would largely be about “Relationships, Risks and Results” .

Ø  Build relationships: make deliberate efforts to build, don’t assume people don’t need you, get involved. Have a social life, Build your social capital. Stay off your phone at least twice every week, pretend it’s 1996, have a conversation that does not involve smileys and emoji-es. 

Ø  Take risks: Go against the tide, be calculative yet spontaneous. Don't assume you will fail, go ahead and fail, life will reward your efforts. Karma respects consistency.

Ø  Result: No stories, demand excellence from yourself. Stay in the hustle.

Have yourself an R3 Year. Do more than survive... THRIVE!!!!!!