Thursday, October 05, 2017 1 Comments A+ a-

I use to wonder why majority of us look forward to the end of a movie when the credits begin to roll. We look out for the name of our favorite character and sometimes we go further to search other movies he/she has featured in just so we can watch them to validate his/her “awesomeness”. To some the credit is almost the most anticipated part, you get to just see the many people who worked together to make the movie a masterpiece.

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See, life is almost like that credit scene at the end of the movie, but with Life we do not have to get to the end before we show or express gratitude. GRATITUDE IS A STRONG VIBE, people can feel when appreciation is sincere.

The stunt guy who doubles for your favorite character might not be a star but He definitely guarantees the success of the movie, without him, your favorite character is incomplete. In your life there are those people who work tirelessly to ensure that you succeed. There are people consistently devoted to your cause and will stop at nothing to see you succeed.

When you realize that your life is a sum total of other people’s involvement in your story,  GRATITUDE BECOMES MOTIVATION. Hence gratitude in itself is self motivation. Grateful people have an inward drive, their push is not based on aligning conditions but they live and move with a sense of purpose and intent.


Gratitude teaches us what matters, see just as the credits in a movie shows us who matters, who played what role, when we are grateful we carry a sense of depth, we begin to see that every small act of kindness matters because in the long run, it will define how we see life.

GRATITUDE IS A GIFT THAT MUST BE SHARED. Live better; give credits to everyone who comes your way. The good, the bad and the not so good are all part of the building block of life.

Say thank you every chance you get, Gratitude is a seed and just like every seed, it will produce in its time.