the way i see it

Wednesday, October 07, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

The way I see it, if it is your life then my choices do not matter.

The way I see it, too many people have opinions about how you should live your life but “last,last” you are responsible for your life.

The way I see it, if a relationship doesn’t guarantee your happiness, it’s very safe to walk away. Life is too short to be miserable.

The way I see it, People who expect too much from you are too scared to demand same from themselves. People are selfish that’s old news. Live beyond expectations.

The way I see it, Prayer is not a substitute for action. If we take the same passion we have in the place of prayer, to work then we would produce more results.

The way I see it, You cannot satisfy and will never please everybody. “Jollof rice tried it and it still has not succeeded”. Live your life and always do the best that you can.

The way I see it, secrets are burdensome, if you don’t want anybody to know then don’t do it. You cannot bear the uncertainty of a shared secret. *smiles* (singing- even your boo get a boo).

The way I see it, You cannot rise higher than the squad you roll with. “Your network determines your net worth”.( depends on how you “come and look at it”)

The way I see it, “I am human and I am not perfect is not enough reason for you to be constantly “stupeed” “. Don’t ruin your life and blame your human nature. Take responsibility.

The way I see it, Love is when I am comfortable enough being myself, Happiness is when I find someone to share my space with.

The way I see it, we are can all be successful but some people are just very successful at doing nothing.

The way I see it, we learn as we live and these lessons become the experiences we share. To not have a story to tell is to merely exist.

The way I see it, we all have fears but when you allow your fears cripple your dreams then you are bound to fail.(by the way, Fear is enough motivation)

The way I see it, forgiveness is the foundation for every successful relationship and sometimes you have to give it to get it.

The way I see it, all that talk about if you are not benefiting anything from your friend, discard them, is a bit one sided, sometimes you need to ask yourself, what are they benefiting from you. Friendship is still a two way street.

The way I see it, you must learn to respect and value the people who share your space, It takes lots of guts to love you.

The way I see it, Value moments, create memories, you won’t always have the chance. You are not designed to last forever.

The way I see it, I just told you exactly how I see it. Just maybe if you read hard enough, you might begin to see it just the way I see it.

For information and engagements call: +2348153639401
Find me on all social media platforms: 
Twitter/Instagram: @IamEwoma
Facebook/LinkedIn: Uruemurie Ewoma Frank


Friday, October 02, 2015 1 Comments A+ a-

It's been a while I scribbled something. I thought to share a few point off a project I am currently working on "THE REAL LIFE KIT". Indulge me,in another three minutes you will be done reading this.

Here goes my ramblings....

·         As a friend, I will fail you when you need me but I will come through for you every time. I may not always be there but I will always fight to keep what we have.

·         Relationships do not fail because Love is absent; they fail because Trust is broken.

·         “I trust you” is a better declaration than “I love you”.

·         Be deliberate in choosing your friends, Hand picking service is highly recommended.

·         Forgiveness is not an option if your friendship would thrive, No you must be consistently willing to give it even when you are not asked.

·         Don’t treat others the way you want them to treat you, treat them better than they would treat you.

·         Sometimes, we hurt those we love but the strength of a relationship is knowing when to be soft and when to be firm.

·         Sometimes it takes a while before you realise the reality of a situation. Actions have consequences. The consequence might not be instant but the effect will definitely be felt.

·         We are responsible for our action and yes, we are also responsible for our reaction to the action of others.

·         Friendship is not about shared space or shared experience, it about commitment. A decision to stay despite the action and inaction of the other party.

·         Friendship is not demanded, it is cultivated. We make deliberate efforts to build bridges.

·         People will always take you for granted but that should not stop you from being good and from being you.

·         Be kind, be soft, be available.

·         When friendship is true, perfection is not demanded, Commitment is.

·         Every relationship has its secret and not everything can be said. True friends understand this rule.

·         Contrary to popular opinion, Friends know when to lie to each other. Truth is, as much as they tell each other the truth; they know when a lie comes in handy.

I believe that when we begin to see life as it is then we deal with less complications and we reduce the risk of being hurt by the things that happens around us.

Keep Thriving...

For information and engagements call: +2348153639401 or +23408032254034
Find me on all social media platforms: 
Twitter/Instagram: @IamEwoma
Facebook/LinkedIn: Uruemurie Ewoma Frank